Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Recent walks

Views of Mohonk and, I think it's the Plattekill Creek, from the bridge on the Wallkill Rail Trail in New Paltz.  March 10th.

Our second walk of the season, the Wallkill Rail Trail in New Paltz on March 10th, was attended by nine people.  Although it was sunny, it was very chilly but we bundled up and enjoyed  a walk of 3,1/2 - 4 miles.  Afterward eight of us enjoyed breakfast at the College Diner in New Paltz.

Our first walk, on March 3rd was at the Poughkeepsie Cemetery.  It was not an inspiring day weather wise--quite foggy and promising rain.  However, it didn't rain and 8 of us walked through part of the cemetery even venturing to the Whittier Mousoleum on top of a hill with a great view of the river that was barely visible due to the fog.  Nine of us had breakfast at Perkins in Wappingers and afterwards six of us enjoyed the Wappingers St. Patrick Day Parade.