Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 20, 2013 Locust Grove

      Another excellent turnout...we numbered 16.   Although there was a cool breeze as we began, it was a nice day and enjoyable walk.  It was so good to see green along the trail.  There were many spring flowers in bloom and of course I had to take [and share] pictures of all of them. 
      Thanks to Rich we took a different route from those followed previously and I think we all were happy with it. 
      We had a problem at the end of the walk tho.  Some of our walkers are much faster than others so we end up traveling in small groups with the most advanced group usually waiting at junctions to everyone knows which way to go.  On this walk there are two exits-one more direct and the other a bit easier.  The slowest group of four [me included] took the easier route and stopped briefly to rest.
Concerned that something might have happened to us, three of our members decided to go back down the trail to look for us.  Since we were traveling on two different trails, they didn't see us and ended up rewalking the entire trail.  Needless to say we couldn't figure out what had happened to the three when we finally arrived at the parking lot.
      Happily, we finally got together with the three tired walkers.  There were 10 of us enjoying brunch at the Red Line in Fishkill where CJ got to enjoy her favorite--oriental salad.
the pet cemetery at beginning of walk

it was so great to see green!!!

green at the beginning of the trail

the first of several flowers

pretty blue flower

"dewey" daffodil

a little soft on the focus but interesting flower

1st view of the Hudson

on way from Poughkeepsie to NYC

finally a group picture...and what a nice group

not all of the trail was green

a pond with a little bit of a boost

Alice's interesting tree

the view from the house-next picture

the home

we saw quite a bit of skunk cabbage

closeup of purple flowers in two pictures below

a little further awy

there were many of these purple flowers

Friday, April 19, 2013

West Point April 13, 2013

     Ten of us met at the commisary-once I found it [we came from Orange County over Bear Mt and, much as I hate to admit it, I'm directionally challenged.]  We then drove down to the area near the new library and Carol D led us down along the river.
     The day was supposed to be partly cloudy but we had only a brief glimpse of blue sky.  Nevertheless, we all agreed it was a great walk.  It was a nice trail that had many historical "markers" and it was interesting to view them all.  We finished on flirtation walk where we observed a portion of the change of command ceremony for the West Point National Guard unit.
      Five of us dined at the Alexis Diner in Newburgh.

I think Carol said this is the new library

Garrison view

yea the daffodils are out!!

the trail

one of several rock signs

nice resting spot

Vince photographing the view

tug pushing garbage downriver

the spot where chain was attached

there were several of these imbedded in ground - part of chain??

Storm King and Constitution Island

the change of command ceremony

freight train and Storm King highway

Vince told me who this represents but I couldn't spell it

Dutchess Rail Trail at Overrocker Road April 6, 2013

the trail

a bad view of recycling plant near beginning of trail

a little puddle greenery
      We had sun again but it was windy and COLD!!  It was in the low 30s to start and the wind made it extra cold.  It did not deter 17 of us however. It was great to see so many people out. The day warmed up nicely in the afternoon.  Several of us turned back before reaching the end of the walk.  Six of us headed for lunch at the Acropolis Diner in Poughkeepsie and were joined slightly later by two more who had continued to walk to the end.
      I only took four pictures and, looking at them, you can see I was really desperate for something to take.

Staatsburg [Mills Mansion] March 30, 2013

     At last a nice day for a walk.  We actually had sun and it got up to the 60s in the afternoon.  There were 10 of us and I finally got to take some pictures.  After the walk, 6 of us brunched at the Everready Diner.
our first view of the river

Esopus Lighthouse with snow remaining on the mountains in the background

tug doing its business on the river

interesting building on the grounds

building closeup

old swimming pool

we saw deer in the distance