There were 13 of us on this beautiful day. The sun was shining, the temperature cool to start but then warmed a perfect autumn day!!
Our original plan was to park at the lower level, where we had begun our walk earlier this year, carpool to the upper level by the cabin and walk down to the lake. When we all met, it was concluded that the uphill walk wouldn't be that long or difficult. So, we left our cars parked, took the uphill path at the near end of the lake [first pic] and walked uphill. We ended up on Burroughs Drive, took an erroneous path that led us to the private property behind some homes. We went back to the entrance, found the correct path and visited the cabin.
We then took the path downhill to the lake. The map promised a waterfall but apparently the dryness affected it because we only saw a meager downhill "brook" and a "swampy" area at the bottom.
When we arrived at the far end of the lake, nine of us opted to go straight out to our cars and four decided to take the longer path thru the woods. Carol D and I took a side trip onto the peninsula to take some pix. The colors seem a bit dull this year.
Seven of us enjoyed brunch at the Gateway Diner.
NOTE: Asked about the walk for Oct 19, I thought it was the rail trail with entrance behind Gold's Gym. I hope everyone read their schedules cuz it's at PEACH HILL!!!
view toward peninsula and far end of lake as we start trail |
the peninsula and island |
we begin the trek uphill |
it was a pretty walk thru the woods |
we're finally on the trail to the cabin |
John Burroughs' cabin |
waiting at the bottom of hill for rest of group |
there were stairs to help us get to bottom |
they curved around a boulder |
negotiating the steps |
the swamp at the bottom |
we're headed for the lake |
more trail scenes |
view from the far end of the lake |
the lakeside path |
foliage on the peninsula |
pretty tree |
end of lake from the peninsula |
the island |
back on lake side trail with peninsula on the right |
lake end closest to parking |
pretty trees |
and another view |