Friday, July 5, 2013

June 29, 2013 Lake Minnewaska

     Five of us met in New Paltz to car pool and met six others at the upper parking lot at Minnewaska.  We ordinarily walk on the carriage path surrounding the lake but Dave had done some research and suggested a different route.
     It was hazy then partially sunny and a bit humid.  We had planned this walk for the end of June hoping that the mountain laurel would be in bloom.  It was past its prime at lower locations but, happily,  in full bloom at Minnewaska's higher elevation.
    We started out on the Beacon Hill Carriage Road, a nice wide, paved path with plenty of laurel at the side and through the woods.  We then encountered the footpath that wound up the hillside to eventually intersect with the lake.  Seven of us decided to try it and four opted to return to the parking area.
     The footpath was up and down the hill with much of it over rocky terrain.  I wouldn't have been able to make it over some of the rocks [short legs & not great balance] without some helping hands and an occasional "boost."  It was somewhat strenuous and we all worked up a sweat.  Speaking for myself,  but I think the others would agree,  it was a great walk with beautiful scenery.  Good job Dave!!
     Eight of us brunched at the College Diner in New Paltz.
     I got carried away with photos and am sharing quite a few below.

here's a map of the trail

mountain laurel closeup

we saw many beautiful bushes

this was a really nice trail

another closeup

more laurel views

colorful mushroom

precarious tree

more mushrooms

great view from the carriage path -Skytop at Mohonk in distance left of center

New Paltz is beyond notch on right

closeup of the Trapps and entrance to Peters Kill trail


we're at the footpath - do we try it or go back?

last view of the carriage path

the trail beginning looked a bit precarious but 7 of us opted to go on

the trail was very rocky in places

but not everywhere

more mountain laurel

through the laurel & over the rocks

the happy walkers

we're getting near the lake

this rock "formation" doesn't look natural

pretty, tiny white flowers along the trail

negotiating an uphill

interesting wood

one of many views from the path

the red dots indicate the foot path

view of the lake

view of the beach across the lake

we relaxed here for a few minutes

we usually walk the trail under this bridge - this time we went over

mama mallard watching her babies as they're being fed

close up of the house and a hawk or turkey vulture

the lake with view of the cliffside house

this is where the ducks were and is out of order

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