Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 3, 2014 Cornish Estate

     We numbered 8 and it was a beauty of a day.  Weather was perfect...we had sun and it was coolish.  A group of volunteers from I Love My Park was busy clearing the area around the ruins.  They've done quite a bit of cleaning and it's starting to look much better. 
     This time I forded the stream with the others and  made it to the bigger waterfall.  [Actually there are several.]  Due to the large amount of rain during the middle of the week, the stream[s] was/were full and there were many waterfalls.  [I took pix of many of them but am only sharing a few...don't want to get too boring.]
     When we arrived at the bridge, Rich said it was about a 10-15 minute walk to the old dairy barns so I, along with five others, decided to continue on.  Two of the group chose to go back.  It probably would have been that short a trip for Rich who is a hiker but it took us quite a bit longer to get there.  We had to ford several sections of stream and thanks to the assistance of John & Rich we made it just fine.  I've wanted to see the barns for some time now and am glad to have finally made it.  The round trip added almost an hour though...not so great for the person waiting at the bottom.
the first of many 'fordings'

the estate pool with the Hudson River and Storm King in background

one view of the estate ruins

and another

we crossed here to reach the waterfall

another building ruin

one of the big waterfalls

and the top

just a little below is another big waterfall

view of Storm King
and Breakneck Ridge

the bridge

the bridge to the barn ruins

stream coming from the former lake

the dairy barn

the former lake now planted with trees ... the dam was deemed fragile and destroyed

     Three of us brunched at the Yankee Clipper in Beacon.

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