Friday, May 1, 2015


     What a great day!!  It was a bit cool to start but then the weather was absolutely marvelous...perfect for walking.  And what a turnout!!!  There were 20 of us.  Actually there were 21 because Lila arrived late at 9:45 and missed walking with us so she walked solo and met us in the parking lot after to say hello.
      It was extra specially nice for me since my cousin, June, was visiting from Vermont.  She said she enjoyed meeting all of the nice Walkers and, of course, the walk.
      I had a prior commitment for the afternoon and brunch didn't happen.

John thinks these are Colt's Tails

Yeah it's just a dead tree but I thought it was interesting

I am constantly amazed at the number of stone walls we encounter

A rowing crew [probably from Marist], freight train and the Mid Hudson Bridge [Too bad there wasn't a train on our side too]

Thank you June for taking the group picture.  Yours came out better than mine.

A little piece of the river.

John thought this might be in the buttercup family & Suzanne checked out its reflective abilities.  It reflected.

New life on a fallen tree

So nice to see green and pretty purple flowers at the tree's base.

Yellow & purple combined.

The Samuel Morse home with yellow flowers in foreground.

We visited the official gardens.

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are so vibrant! Loved walking with your group!
