Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 22, 2012 Minnewaska State Park

     The weather people promised a sunny afternoon and temperatures in the 80s.  [They were sure off for our area!!]  When we left home it was cool and overcast/foggy.  Eight of us met in New Paltz so we could car pool and we met one more person [Dave] in the upper Minnewaska parking lot.  We could see fog as we climbed from the valley up the mountain but we were shocked when we exited our cars. 
     WHOA were we surprise!.  The fog was a fine mist, it was windy and COLD!!!  We were tempted [some of us] to just go back to New Paltz and  enjoy breakfast without walking.  But we walked and once we got started around the lake we warmed up and enjoyed the walk. 
the beach...not very inviting on this day

a bit of the valley view

the view from the far end of the lake

the end of the lake

a small stream

valley view...wish we could have had a better view

another valley view

on a clear day...you ca see Skytop at Mohonk

lake view from the rocks

what a nice place to enjoy a picnic

the gazebo

our group...thanks Pat

walking under the bridge

canoe at the boat launch area

don't know what creates the foam

another nice place to picnic

     Minnewaska is such a pretty place it was unfortunate that the weather didn't cooperate.  Unfortunately  the pictures don't show the beauty of this place.   After the walk, six of us enjoyed breakfast at the College Diner.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 15, 2012 Arden Point/Glenclyffe

     What a beautiful day for a walk!!  And we deserved it after all those hot, humid Saturdays this summer.  We were an even dozen, including Teresa's husband Vince.  This was a new walk for most of us.  We began at the Garrison railroad station and walked past some ruins, over a stream, across the Metro tracks to Arden Point where we viewed the river including the Bear Mt. Bridge, West Point, Hotel Thayer and the former Ladycliff College now the West Point Museum.  
      After taking in the view, we split up taking two different paths back to the bridge.  We walked a short distance on Marcia's Mile stopping at the large gazebo to enjoy another scenic view.  We continued on a bit looking up at the former Capuchin friary that is now the Open Space Institute.
the beginning of the trail

some of the ruins at the beginning of trail

we crossed a small stream

and the bridge over the railroad tracks

looking down the tracks from the bridge

river view

looking toward the Bear Mt. Bridge ... in the distance

relaxing on the rocks

heading for the gazebo

the Hotel Thayer in distance

the former Ladycliff College now the West Point Museum

the roots of a fallen willow tree

side view of the tree

the back of the Institute

West Point in the distance
we walked near the tracks at some points...a passing train
       After the walk, six of us enjoyed brunch at Hudson Hils Cafe in Cold Spring.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 8, 2012 Poet's Walk

     It was hot and humid [surprise!!] but for most of the walk it was overcast so it wasn't too bad.  There were 15  members and we were pleased to see Florence's daughter, Joanne, and her dog Maggie.  She told us Florence is doing somewhat better but the road to recovery is slow.  We're hoping she'll be able to join us for the picnic.  We also met Linda, a potential member, her daughter [Cameron, I think] and friend, Karen.  They had time constraints so they started walking before us.  We hope they'll decide to join us on future walks.  
     Unfortunately, one of our members, Susan, had a bad fall.  It took a bit of time for her to recover but it appeared and we hope that there were no significant injuries.  I'm sure she was quite sore for a couple of days and hope she's doing better now.
    There were 9 of us at the Everready Diner in Rhinebeck.  We enjoyed a good breakfast and company while watching the dire weather predictions on the Weather Channel.  I don't know what happened in Dutchess Co. but here in Circleville there was one really big downpour with mega wind and that was it.

the Rhinecliff Bridge
the gazebo at the top of the hill

enjoying a rest at the gazebo

view of the bridge as we head for the woods

Joanne and Maggie
another stop before heading into the woods

bridge on the trail


some of us walked down to the summer house