Friday, August 26, 2016


       There are two entrances to the Burroughs property.  The first,  off  Burroughs Road, goes to his cabin and the second entrance just slightly beyond  leads to a trail that goes along a large pond.  It was my intention to walk the pond area since it was mostly flat and in the shade.  In the past there was very little on Burroughs Road to indicate it was an entrance to the property.  So I was surprised to see that a very large sign was now at Burroughs Road.  I went to the intended entrance and no one appeared so I checked the first entrance and five of our group were there.
       We decided to check out the cabin and then, since it hadn't been walked before by our group, we chose to walk the Ridge Trail.  I'll be kind here and say it was challenging [but interesting].  I said I was glad I did it but don't have to do it again.  I think the others agreed.  The weather was sun with temperatures in the 80's and high humidity.  Fortunately, we were in the woods and shade the whole walk.
       To return to our cars, we decided to take the shorter but very steep yellow trail which would lead us directly to the cabin rather than having to make the long walk along the pond and then a very long walk up Burroughs Road.  The map was misleading so we had some difficulty locating the yellow trail but we finally did and were very happy to finally be back at the cabin and our cars.
       There were no lunch takers so after two hours drive [round trip] by myself, I got to head for home.  Actually I putzed around wasting time before attending a wine class at Mt. St. Mary.

the cabin

I peeked inside

I saw several colorful mushrooms and I took pix..

There were quite a few semi uprooted trees on the trail

There were rocks paving the trail in some areas

There were quite a few steps

The end of the pond

We started up the yellow trail and looked down at the pond.

Some of the uphill steps

and more

and more

To waste time I visited the Gomez Mill House in Marlborough

Monday, August 8, 2016


        After not doing my blog job since May 18, I'm now caught up...what a relief.  It was hot and humid but the walk is relatively short and shaded so it was  pleasant.  There were 14 of us.  
        We had walked here last year and walked part of the way up the Foundry Creek, turning off to go up the stairs and visiting the pond before heading back toward the parking lot.  This time we continued up the creek as far as the path went.  WOW!  We missed a lot the last time.  There were many waterfalls [as you'll see from my multitude of pix.  
         There are guided tours the 1st Saturday of month up through Sept but they start at 11.  We encountered the 2 guides as we walked.  A couple of our people walked back to parking area instead of climbing the stairs and a guide opened the office building for a brief look.
         Some of our group headed toward town while most of us headed for the parking area.  Eight of us had a very enjoyable lunch [good food & good company] at the Hudson Hils in Cold Spring.

looking toward the Hudson

Amanda enjoying a drink

there are bricks in several areas...made locally?  Don't know.

we were able to step on rocks to ford this little stream

looking down the creek
views on the way back & Rte 9D bridge


looking back down the entrance walk

there is quite a bit of info availble

looks like a bear
precarious roots


        It was warm & sunny and we numbered 16 including Girl Scouts and parents plus the newlywed Watsons who shared some of their wedding photos.  We parked at the walkway and walked toward Highland.  Some made it as far as the Rotary pavilion.  [ I didn't get quite that far.]
           Six of us brunched at the Gateway.  After brunch, I drove through the town of Highland since I'd never been there.  It's quite a nice little town.  I stopped at their riverside park.

the Highland Rotary has a nice garden rest stop along the trail

three views from Highland's riverside park