Friday, May 30, 2014

May 24, 2014 Val Kill [Eleanor Roosevelt home]

      It looked like another iffy day when I started out but it turned out to be a nice day.  There were 15 of us including Diana and JC who may decide to join the club.  It was another pleasant walk through the woods with a couple of hills.  There's always the option of adding the rather strenuous trek up to Top Cottage but there weren't any takers today.

      Nine of us brunched at the Eveready Diner and the group rated their meals as an 8.

the stream at the bridge

the stream flows behind some homes

unfortunately someone decided to use this area as a dumping inconsiderate

some happy walkers!!

at the house

we observed a Canada goose family as they dined and then decided to swim

some of the group spotted a turtle in this water under the bridge as we began-I missed the pic
      I've wanted to walk at Stewart Forest but their website map is very difficult to read; so on the way home, CJ and I checked out a few roads and found this spot that leads to several trails plus a decent map.

May 17, 2014 Locust Grove

      I've been negletful about doing the blog and I apologize.  If I don't do it right away, the problem becomes remembering what actually happened.  What I remember about this walk is that it was a great day to walk.  There was sun, a nice breeze, blue sky.
      There were 14 of us including potential new member, Donna.

      Six of us dined at Table Talk.  We decided to start rating our luncheon places and we gave Table Talk a 9 today.

a new bench

this pond area has been cleaned up

what's next??

we've reached the river

Two blue herons in the trees.  A third joined them right after I took this.

Freight train headed down river.

the train, a boat, Mid Hudson Bridge & Metro North tracks

same view a little closer

robin's egg perhaps dropped by a crow?

through the woods we go

unidentified white tree

mossy stone wall & fern

unusual flowers

the Morse home

and its view of the river

these looked pretty but Carol says they're invasive